Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • SubSample: A chair proposal was submitted to DIGITEO in collaboration with the PARIETAL group (B. Thirion) from Pr. Dimitris Samaras (StonyBrook) aiming understanding correlations between imaging and gene expressions data. The proposal was accepted and Pr. Samaras will be spending for the next four years, three months per year at Ecole Centrale. In parallel a PhD student will be co-supervised between B. Thirion and D. Samaras.

  • sterEOS+: MEDICEN excellence cluster supported a regional imitative towards the creation of the new generation clinical orthopedic work-station. This was a collaborative project consisting of EOS-Imaging (hardware provide/low dose X-ray Imaging), Global Imaging on Line (software provider - Picture archiving and communication system), the Arts et Métiers ParisTech (image-based biomechanical modeling), the GALEN group (medical image processing) and the leading clinical and university hospitals in the greater Paris area

  • ADOC: MEDICEN excellence cluster supported a regional imitative towards an imaging scanner providing guided diagnosis for cancer surgery. This translational research project will be conducted in collaboration between public partners (Inria, The Curie Institut and Hopital Tenon) and private companies (LLtech, Intrasense). A new imaging scanner allowing real time digital histology will be developed to assist the surgeon. The digital images will be used to give an indication to the surgeon, after a pathologist’ validation, on whether the surgical procedure shall be continued or stopped.